SEO Terminology S
Sandbox: There has been verbal confrontation and theory that Google puts every single new site into a “sandbox,” keeping them from positioning great for anything until the point when a set timeframe has passed. The presence or correct conduct of the sandbox isn’t all around acknowledged among SEOs.
Scrape: duplicating content from a site, regularly encouraged via computerized bots.
Search Engine (SE): a program, which looks through a record or gathering of archives for significant matches of a client’s catchphrase expression and returns a rundown of the most applicable matches. Web search tools, for example, Google and Yahoo look the whole web for significant matches.
Search Engine Spam: Pages made to cause web crawlers to convey wrong or less significant outcomes. Internet searcher Optimizers are once in a while unjustifiably saw as web search tool Spammers. Obviously now and again they really are.
SEM (Search Engine Marketing): SEM is regularly used to portray acts related with inquiring about, submitting and situating a Web website inside web crawlers to accomplish most extreme presentation of your Web webpage. SEM incorporates things, for example, site design improvement, paid postings and other web crawler related administrations and capacities that will build presentation and movement to your Web website.
SERP Search Engine Results Page
Sitemap: organized gathering of pages which connect to each client open page on a site, and ideally enhances website ease of use by illuminating the information structure of the website for the clients. A XML sitemap is regularly kept in the root registry of a site just to help web search tool insects to discover the majority of the webpage pages.
SMWC (Slapping Myself with Celery) shows an outrageous response like a “spit take” yet more vegetarian in vogue. Frequently joined with other exclamatory acronyms. – WTF/SMWC, or maybe ROTFL/SMWC.
SMM (Social Media Marketing) Website or brand advancement through web-based social networking
SMP (Social Media Poisoning) any of a few (perhaps unlawful) dark cap strategies intended to embroil a contender as a spammer – For instance, blog remark spamming in the name/brand of a contender
Social bookmark: A type of Social Media where client’s bookmarks are collected for free.
Social media: Various online advancements utilized by individuals to share data and points of view. Online journals, wikis, gatherings, social bookmarking, client audits and rating locales (digg, reddit) are on the whole cases of Social Media.
Social Media Marketing (SMM): Website or brand advancement through web-based social networking
Social media Poisoning (SMP): any of a few (potentially illicit) dark cap systems intended to ensnare a contender as a spammer – For instance blog remark spamming in the name/brand of a contender
Spam ad page: A Made For AdSense/Advertisement page which utilizes scratched or machine created content for content, and has no genuine incentive to clients other than the slight estimation of the includes. Spammers here and there make destinations with many these pages.
Spamdexing or web search tool spamming is the act of misleadingly changing website pages to build the shot of them being put near the start of web crawler comes about, or to impact the class to which the page is doled out in an exploitative way. – Wikipedia
Spammer: A man who utilizes spam to seek after an objective.
Spider (bot, crawler) A specific bot utilized via web indexes to discover and add site pages to their files.
Spider trap: an interminable circle of naturally created joins which can “trap” a creepy crawly program. Now and again purposefully used to counteract mechanized scratching or email address collecting.
Splash page: Often enlivened, designs pages without critical printed content. Sprinkle pages are planned to look garish to people, yet without thoughtfulness regarding SEO may look like deadlocks to web crawler bugs, which can just explore through content connections. Wretched sprinkle pages might be awful for SEO and frequently a genuine annoyance for clients. – Definition overhauled in view of guidance from Michael Martinez
Splog: Spam Blog which as a rule contains pretty much nothing if any incentive to people, and is frequently machine produced or made up of scratched content.
Static page: A site page without dynamic substance or factors, for example, session IDs in the URL. Static pages are useful for SEO work in that they are inviting to web crawler bugs.
Stickiness: Site changes that allure clients to remain on the site longer, and view more pages enhance the locales “stickiness”.
supplemental index (supplemental outcomes) Pages with low PageRank, which are as yet significant to an inquiry question, regularly show up in the SERPs with a mark of Supplemental Result. Google’s delegate’s say this isn’t characteristic of a punishment, just low PageRank. – Previous Definition reexamined in light of guidance from Michael Martinez